NYCDP Questionnaire:
Jared Matthews, Soloist, American Ballet Theatre
What career would you choose if you could not be a dancer?JM: If I was not a dancer, I would choose being an actor. I have been privileged to work with an amazing acting teacher, Gregory Berger-Sobeck, and audit his classes. Watching him work with his students is one of the most inspiring things. Which person (dead or alive) would you most want to dance with if you could?JM: I would want to dance next to Gene Kelly. He is the reason I started dancing. He still makes being a male dancer look like the coolest thing ever. If a child told you they wanted to be a dancer, what would your advice be?JM: Start with gymnastics. What is your greatest indulgence?JM: Netflix. It is so easy to zone out a watch a lot of movies.... What career would your family have chosen for you?JM: My family never pushed me into anything I did not want to do. I asked to start taking tap classes and they signed me up the next week. What is your idea of perfect happiness? JM: My idea of perfect happiness is being in Japan, eating good food, seeing beautiful nature and having a cold draft beer! Who would you like most to have a coffee with and why? JM: If I could have a coffee with anyone, it would be Baryshnikov. He was my idol growing up and still is as a professional. I have so many questions I want to ask him. What is your favorite city to tour to and why? JM: My favorite place to tour to is anywhere in Japan. But besides being in Japan, it is hard to say. We are very lucky being dancers. I have seen so many wonderful places and learned a lot about different cultures. I am totally fascinated by how people live in different places.
Damian Monzillo - Hair,Juliet Jane - makeup,
Costumes courtesy of American Ballet Theatre