Rachelle Di Stasio, American Ballet Theatre Studio Company
What career would you choose if you could not be a dancer? RDS: If I could not be a dancer, I would choose one or more of the following career paths - model, actress or tennis pro. What are your worst fears (professionally or personally)? RDS: To having regrets of never reaching my fullest potential and being all that I can be both professionally and personally. Which person (dead or alive) would you most want to dance with if you could? RDS: There are two people I would most want to dance with: Rudolf Nureyev and David Hallberg. If a child told you they wanted to be a dancer, what would your advice be? RDS: That if, you don’t love it, don’t do it. For it takes too much time, dedication, hard work, perseverance and pain to not love ‘the dance.’ If you could be an animal, what animal would you choose and why? RDS: A Lion – because a Lion represents courage, strength, wisdom, balance, and a sense of calm; all qualities that I strive to have in my own life both personally and professionally.
What is your greatest indulgence?
RDS: Reese Peanut Butter Cups.
What 3 items do you always have in your bag with you?
RDS: Phone, Lip Balm and Gum.
What career would your family have chosen for you?
RDS: A musician or politician as my family is very musical and has been involved in the political arena.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
RDS: Being with those that I love – my family and friends (especially at the beach) - as well as enjoying and being present in the very moment I’m in and experiencing all that that moment has to offer.
Who would you like most to have a coffee with (could be dead or alive)?
RDS: Abraham Lincoln.
What is your favorite city to tour to and why?
RDS: London… I love the people, culture, historical sites and chocolate!
What was your biggest mishap in a performance?
RDS: Thankfully, I have yet to experience any big mishaps in a performance; but have dealt with some fear and anxiety right before going on stage.
Is there a special meal you have before performances?
RDS: My favorite food before a performance would be yogurt with granola and fruit; a chai tea and a piece of chocolate. It’s light and gives me lots of energy!
Hair by Damian Monzillo, Makeup by Juliet Jane Leotards by Lone Reed Designs, Tutu by Primadonna Tutus Pointe shoes by Gaynor Minden, White dress by Valentina Kova
Special thank you to Cara Lynn Moccia for the help on our shoot