Aran Bell, American Ballet Theatre Studio Company
What career would you choose if you could not be a dancer ? AB: If I couldn't dance, I would play soccer, but eventually I want to become an orthopedic surgeon and focus on helping dancers What are your worst fears (professionally or personally)? AB: Professsionally, my worst fear is dropping my partner on stage. Which person (dead or alive) would you most want to dance with if you could? AB: There are so many people I would love to dance with.... I think it would be fun to dance with Natalia Osipova because she is fearless! If a child told you they wanted to be a dancer, what would your advice be? AB: Find a teacher you trust. Work hard, pour your heart and soul into the daily work, and have a life outside of ballet. Take one day off per week, and go hiking, biking, swimming, skateboarding, horseback riding, skiing, snowboarding, or just run around and play outside. Travel as much as you can, visit interesting places, read good books, and make friends outside the ballet world. The things you do outside the studio will help you become a stronger, more coordinated, and interesting dancer...and person! If you could be an animal, what would animal would you choose and why? AB: I've always wanted to fly, so I would want to be a bird. What is your greatest indulgence?
AB: Pizza and milkshakes.
What 3 items do you always have in your bag with you?
AB: Advil, Beats and my roller
What career would your family have chosen for you?
AB: My parents have always been super supportive of my dancing, but encourage me to think about life after my dance career and always say "college is non-negotiable!"
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
AB: I don't really have an idea of perfect happiness. So many things in life make me happy; having an awesome ballet class, a successful performance, hiking and biking with my dad, Sunday brunch with my family, spending time with friends and traveling!
Who would you like most to have a coffee with (could be dead or alive)?
AB: I would like to have coffee with my grandpa Cliff, my dad's father. He passed away before I was born, but I think I would have liked him a lot.
What is your favorite city to tour to and why?
AB: I lived in Italy for 5 years and performed in many different places in Europe. I don't really have a favorite city. Each one is so unique and has something interesting to offer.
What was your biggest mishap in a performance?
AB: My biggest mishap in a performance was last summer, when I slipped on a wet outdoor stage in Capri, Italy and sprained my ankle.
Is there a special meal you have before performances?
AB: Nothing special. I'll eat anything!
Hair by Damian Monzillo, Grooming by Juliet Jane